
"Parramisha: A Romani Poetry Collection" Book Tour

Friday September 9th 6-8pm

Talks |

Frances Roberts Reilly is a poet and storyteller. She is a direct descendant of Romany Gypsy, Abram Wood.

Parramishus Pookiben par Frances Roberts Reilly Kata o familya Welshengerie Kaleskro o Abram Wood.

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Frances will tell old Welsh Romany tales brought to Wales by Abram Wood, infused with the Gypsy’s own story of journeying from the known into the unknown world imparts these stories with strange moments that have travelled with them all the way from India to Europe and now to Wales.

She takes us back to a time when her Welsh Gypsy family had strong ties with Newtown as John Roberts Telynor Cymru and his family of Welsh Gypsy musicians made Newtown their base. They would tour Welsh towns with their instruments piled on a donkey drawn cart, frequently stopping at a friendly farmer’s barn where they played their harps for the locals performing as the Cambrian Minstrels. They also played for royalty – Queen Victoria, the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Marlborough – many Roberts sons won harp prizes at Eistedfoddau.

performing for queen Victoria

Frances will read poems about other Welsh Gypsy characters, Saiforella Wood and Turpin (Harry) Wood, as well as poems about the everyday lives lived in their Welsh Gypsy story.

Her poetry book is Parramisha: A Romani Poetry Collection. Her reading will transport the audience back to the heart of Welsh Romany life as it traces the Tatcho Romany Drom, the True Heart's Path and brings the voices of old Gypsy souls back to life.

Frances will be available to sign and sell her book.

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Tickets Venue Info Ticket Info
Adult £0.00 PP*

*Per Person

The gallery is open:

Tuesday - Saturday 10-4

Cafe closes at 3

Except for special events

Closed bank holidays

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