
Studies in Solastalgia

Seán Vicary

Exhibitions | 10 September 2016 - 15 October 2016

This exhibition brings together different strands of Seán Vicary's practice presenting recent and previously un-exhibited work. Steeped in a dark ecology, these multi-layered and richly crafted animations invite the viewer to explore an intense semi-fictive landscape of observation, collection and devastation.

manual override of the alt attribute

Solastalgia: from solacium (comfort) algia (pain)

“..a form of homesickness one gets when one is still at ‘home”.

Australian philosopher Glenn Albrecht

The artist’s points of reference span scientific, historic and geographic activity alongside more personal, autobiographical and poetic ideas. The show includes large-scale animations such as Taxonomy that consider data collection, industrialised violence and our human-centric viewpoint framed within scientific and colonial empire; and Ascension Ceiling, inspired by Baroque illusionistic ceiling paintings while responding to the continued testing of military drones in West Wales near the artist's home.

Other work, such as The Nose, explores an inner-landscape evoked by our sense of smell. It combines the scientific and the lyrical with an autobiographical subtext drawn from Vicary’s experience of coping with his mother’s dementia. In Hippocampus Dementis these solastalgic symptoms are finally materialized to the point where inner landscape meets outer.

Exhibition opening Saturday 10 September 5pm - 8pm

Artist talk with Seán Vicary 5pm

Refreshments available for a small donation

Tickets Venue Info


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The gallery is open:

Tuesday - Saturday 10-4

Cafe closes at 3

Except for special events

Closed bank holidays