Zine-making workshops for 16 – 25's
Create and publish your own Zine
THURSDAYS 12, 19, 26 AUGUST 2 – 4pm

What are the issues that matter to you? How do you feel about the local environment? Share your ideas and your voice, learn creative skills and meet new people. The workshops are informal, friendly and FREE. Run by artist Ben Faircloth.
Thursday 12th August 2 – 4pm
Thursday 19th August 2 – 4pm
Thursday 26th August 2 – 4pm
Young people will work with Ben Faircloth to use gallery resources, the local environment and the current exhibition theme ‘Building A Future’ as a starting point to create and publish a zine. Exploring hopes and fears for the future and highlighting their own voices and stories, participants will experiment with a range of collage, printing, drawing and illustration techniques.
Sign up for one, two or all three workshops. Places are limited so please book in advance. Full details will be sent once booking have been made.Workshops take place undercover, outside at the gallery.
Images below by Ben Faircloth
About Ben Faircloth Artist, animator and illustrator Ben Faircloth lives and works from his studio/council house in Mid Wales. Working largely in mixed media collage and stop-motion animation, he finds inspiration from underground comics, outsider art, trash cinema, and the occult. Ben returned to education in 2010 as a mature student and was able to obtain a first class degree in fine art from Aberystwyth University and is currently attending Aberystwyth School of Art Masters program. Ben has exhibited extensively in his native Wales and Sweden.