The Hindu Bard
The Poetry of Dorothy Bonarjee - who caused a sensation when in 1914 she won the Bardic Chair at the Eisteddfod of the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth. She was 19, and the first woman, as well as the first overseas student, to do so.
Born in Bareilly in northern India in 1894, to a Bengali brahmin family converted to Christianity, Dorothy spent her student years in Aberystwyth where her verse caught the mood of the time.
A few years after her graduation she moved to France, which was her home for the rest of her life. Her career as a poet belonged virtually exclusively to those early years in Wales.
A 98-page paperback edited with introductions by Mohini Gupta and Andrew Whitehead
The Hindu Bard is the 34th publication in the Welsh Women's Classic series - an imprint that brings out-of-print books in English by women writers from Wales to a new generation of readers.