
Instructions for Imagined Spaces

Rory Duckhouse

Test Bed | 11 Mawrth 2017 - 10 Mai 2017

Instructions for Imagined Spaces presents a series of instructional guides that offer the gallery visitor an experience of an imagined space. The guides use the visitor’s previous encounters and experiences of a gallery to construct this particular imagined place.

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What is in here?

Do I dare cross the threshold?

A gallery text… I should read it so I know what it’s about.

Names, dates, titles, what do they mean?

Where should I start?

I’m not sure I understand it. Does it matter?

Perhaps I’d better check the information again...

Instructions for Imagined Spaces presents a series of instructional guides that offer the gallery visitor an experience of an imagined space. The guides use the visitor’s previous encounters and experiences of a gallery to construct this particular imagined place.

Supported by Arts Council of Wales.

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Supporting new and experimental work by artists based in Wales and the Borders.

Tocynnau Gwybodaeth am y Lleoliad

Gwerthu Allan

Mae tocynnau ar gyfer y digwyddiad hwn i gyd wedi'u gwerthu :(

Os hoffech gael eich ychwanegu at restr aros, cysylltwch â ni:

Mae'r oriel ar agor:

Mawrth - Sadwrn 10 - 4

Caffi yn cau am 3

Ac eithrio digwyddiadau arbennig

Gwyliau banc ar gau