Damon Webb
I am an architect, smallholder and beekeeper, amongst other things. I set up Feral Studio Architecture to focus on smaller scale sustainable community based work, after many years working mainly on larger scale commercial projects. For me, the excitement in my work stems from being presented with a site or a building, a brief and a client, all of which are infinitely variable and conjuring something spectacular from these disparate elements. Every building or site comes with its own unique history - architectural, social and ecological. We respect, conserve and celebrate this history, whilst adding a contemporary layer that responds to the practical demands of twenty-first century life. I’m particularly interested in applying traditional and craft building techniques and materials to modern buildings. A ‘less is more’ approach to design has always been fundamental to the way I work.
An oasis of culture, creativity and damn good coffee.
Acorns for Peace. In 1969 John Lennon and Yoko Ono mailed acorns to world leaders, with a letter that read:
“Enclosed in this package we are sending you two living sculptures—which are acorns—in the hope that you will plant them in your garden and grow two oak trees for world peace. Yours with love, John and Yoko Ono Lennon.”