Coming this Summer: Help us build the biggest tower of cards in Powys!
Oriel Davies has teamed up with printmaker and illustrator Alyn Smith to create a series of cards, over 15,000 in total, and we need your help to draw on them and bring them back to the gallery for an exhibition this summer.
Alyn Smith is a printmaker and educator based in Cardiff, UK. “My work is all about using simple printmaking processes that use simple tools and materials. I work with rubber stamps, stencils and cut paper collage. I use these processes to create playful and positive illustrations.”
This summer, we need your help to create a huge house of cards, the biggest Powys has ever seen, in the gallery. We want you to collect a pack to draw or write your ideas on the back. The cards are produced with wood from sustainable sources, printed with vegetable inks and are 100% recyclable. What sort of future will you build?
Use the cards as prompts
Draw or write on the back
Bring them back to Oriel Davies Gallery in the park, Newtown.
Drop them in our post box by the side door.
Visit the gallery this summer to see the biggest House of Cards Powys has ever seen.
Collect your cards after the exhibition, or we’ll recycle them.