
News Archives

For December 2020. There are no entries - my memory doesn't go back that far ...


GALWAD AGORED - Comisiwn ysgrifenwyr ifanc

Published on Saturday 12th December 2020 at 11:28 AM

Mae gennym wyth comisiwn £100 i bobl ifanc gyfrannu darn o ysgrifennu creadigol i’n prosiect ‘Cynulliad ODG’, a chael eu gwaith wedi’i cynnwys fel rhan o arddangosfa deithiol Craftspace ‘We are Commoners’.

→ Ydych chi rhwng 18 - 25 oed?

→ Ydych chi'n byw yn Powys?

→ Ydych chi am ddatblygu'ch ysgrifennu a chael platfform i rannu'ch gwaith?

Read more about GALWAD AGORED - Comisiwn ysgrifenwyr ifanc

OPEN CALL - Young writers commission

Published on Thursday 10th December 2020 at 4:10 PM

We have eight £100 commissions for young people to contribute a piece of creative writing to our ‘ODG Assembly’ project. Contributors will have their work feature as part of the Craftspace ‘We are Commoners’ touring exhibition.

→ Are you aged between 18 - 25?

→ Do you live in Powys?

→ Do you want to develop your writing and have a platform to share your work?

Read more about OPEN CALL - Young writers commission