Online Art Sessions For 12 - 18 year olds
These workshops are for young people who enjoy creativity. They are an opportunity to connect with other young creatives informally, talk about current creative projects and ideas, or just chat whilst creating.
The sessions are on Zoom and are run by artist and youth worker Beth Clewes and Kate Morgan-Clare from Oriel Davies.
Bring something your working on, or whatever art materials you have to hand and create alongside other like-minded humans, it could be a simple as pen and paper.
Saturdays 10.30 - 12.30
18th January, 15th February, 15th March
We want everyone to be able to enjoy Oriel Davies Workshops.
We are working hard to improve accessibility for all, developing a welcoming inclusive programme for the widest possible audience.
If you have any special access requirements, please call on 01686 625041 or email and we will be happy to help you.