Published on Wednesday 2nd June 2021 at 2:06 PM
"Birdsong crept in its stead, the soft crick-crick of insects, the far-off lowing of wild longhorn cattle. Through the mist, a thousand silver butterflies flitted round a lichen-strewn branch, setting down for the night. The bushy tail of a red squirrel twitched and a small brown bird hopped in a patch of scrub. Wings sailed by- a nightjar scooping moths in the breeze. Somewhere, an owl hooted, and more cried in answer. The rhythm of a long-ago wild, a lost wild, a restored wild. The sound slipped in through cracks and corners, everywhere."
Detholiad o ‘The Once and Future Wild’ a ysgrifennwyd gan Daisy Dunn ar gyfer Cynulliad ODG, 2021.
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