We’re looking for someone to join us! Apply in writing to steffan@orieldavies.org
We’re looking for someone to join us! Apply in writing to steffan@orieldavies.org
WRITERS! Despite his many forward thinking ideas, Robert Owen was a man of his time. The textile industry presents significant social & environmental concerns and many of these issues have contemporary relevance. from slavery, child labour, sweat shops, inequalities and exploitation to land erosion and throwaway fashion the story of textiles opens up lots of questions and debate. We are looking for a writer of colour who wants to explore some of these ideas, to create a short poem or lyric that explores the legacy of Robert Owen. The writer will meet school children or specific community groups to share their experience of reading and writing in February and encourage people to also write something. The work will be included within a public art project to be unveiled in May 2022
How much: £1750 (Based on £250 per day). Apply by email to steffan@orieldavies.org by 23/01/22 (subject “writer”)
We're on the lookout for people to be part of our programme over the coming months.
See three commissions in our news section
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Oriel Davies, a major visual arts gallery based in rural Mid Wales with a vision to embed the arts in our local communities, to think global and act local, has the following opportunities as part of Robert Owen 250 celebrations.
We're looking for a new tenant to run our small cafe at Oriel Davies.